"A Little Rain"
I asked this
question, of my Father above,
"Why do bad
things happen to the people I love?"
The answer
has long been misunderstood,
Why tragedy
occurs to the just and the good.
The Lord whispered
softly, in a voice sweet and low,
"You'll find
the answer in the Book I left you, centuries ago."
He allows
the rain to fall on His sheep,
To keep us
humble, forgiving, and meek.
A little rain
must fall on every life.
This world
is full of sorrow and strife.
He makes the
rain fall on the lost and unjust,
In order to
gain their repentance and trust.
He hopes to
increase our virtues
And to get
our priorities straight,
So, when the
death angel comes, to carry us home,
He'll be waiting
for us at the gate.
Author Unknown